The Shire
Ventured to Calabasas on Friday to spend time with my best friend in her beautiful home in the hills. I received this Minkpink dress by special request for my birthday and have been wearing it ever since; I thought its bohemian feel was perfect to photograph in the magical greenery. The heavy silver pendant was a gift that I vividly remember wearing on my birthday at school in 9th grade, which was three days before I got asked out on my first ever pre-date date. By pre-date date I mean it was just a "hangout" to see if he likes you/you like each other. But I was in 9th grade, he was in 11th. It was valid. Although he seemed to single-handedly disprove my friend Lauren's theory that "no teenage boy wants to go on a pre-date date." Anyway, I mention all this for several reasons:
- This dress has a distinctly mythical/middle earth/medieval feel which is why...
- this morning I played Ridley Scott's Robin Hood soundtrack in the car on the way home from Calabasas, which ties in because...
- on our pre-date date we went and saw Robin Hood (it had just come out/we couldn't think of anything better to do/LACMA had closed)
And I mention all that because...
4. Robin Hood is coincidentally on TV right now and I am reveling in the distant memories of my past. Its an Oprah full circle moment!
But really, ladies and gentleman, the moral of the story is: you know its not a date if you guys go see Robin Hood, distinctly the most unromantic date movie ever.
All of that 9th grade lunacy aside, this dress has become a major threat to all my others in the course of just one week. I wore it two days in a row. It's particularly special because I'm on this new maxi jag where anything and everything must be maxi in length. Now every time I come to school, my friend David asks "maxi?" even if I'm wearing a shorter dress. Clearly, boys don't comprehend differences in lengths... or the proper way to take a girl on a real date.
Until next time.
Minkpink maxi dress, Pamela Love spike ring, Mr. Kate Kaila ring, Chanel nail polish, vintage silver pendant.
Minkpink maxi dress, Pamela Love spike ring, Mr. Kate Kaila ring, Chanel nail polish, vintage silver pendant.
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