Red Dragon

Wore this outfit for an incredibly lovely (belated) birthday dinner on Sunday with the family. The actual hat was a birthday gift from my aunt and I am in love with it. Now, I want to wear netting over my eyes all the time.

This cotton paper-bag waist skirt was a Christmas gift that never saw the light of day until two weeks ago. I was up late (late = 1 am) and aggravated (aggravated = really annoyed) while studying for AP tests and decided to purge my closet, (I often get rid of stuff/cut my hair/make changes to my overall lifestyle when super emotional and late at night). I started tearing into my hanging clothes rack and then into my actual closet when I stumbled upon the one skirt that had just dumbfounded me for months. How do you wear so much white? What was with the waist? Prairie girl chic or not? So, I said to myself (at 1 am, mind you) "Self, either throw it out or wear it tomorrow. One or the other."
I wore it the next day to school. It's now my favorite skirt.

On Saturday my mom surprised me with this amazing vintage Coach bag. Without evening mentioning Coach's excellence in leather manufacturing, the actual shape and design of it literally means that I probably won't need another bag ever again. With the bag and the hat and the crop top and the Chanel nail polish (bought for Prom!) it was just too much good red not to blog.

Vintage red rose hat, California Select top, vintage skirt, vintage bracelet from the flea market, Coach vintage leather bag, Mr. Kate Kaila ring, Chanel nail polish in Red Dragon.


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