
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2012


I had seen this beautiful linen/lace dress by Cameo on some site a while back, however I failed to purchase one before they sold out. That's why it was so particularly lovely when Letty over at La Dama offered to send this baby over. Boy was the wait worthwhile! Not only is linen my favorite fabric (it is) but the lace on this is superior to all others I have experienced. I may or may not never want to take this off. I can already feel the other summer dresses in my wardrobe getting jealous. I envision clear blue days and soft summer nights in this beauty. Have I sufficiently communicated my love for this dress now? Good. Cameo Sahara dress in Oyster (courtesy of La Dama), Mr. Kate Kaila ring , Chanel nail polish in Dragon.

Teen Vogue Room Feature

Several months ago Naomi Nevitt- editor over at Teen Vogue online and a really dear friend of mine since NYFW '09- contacted me about doing a bedroom feature for some online content. Sometime in March, (or February, all the months are blurring together), Naomi came over from New York with the lovely photographer Ye Rin and had a shot at my entire room. It was all extremely official, (there was a call sheet and everything), and extremely fun. Now a couple months later, the feature has debuted! Assortment of vintage, Vera Meat, and Mr. Kate necklaces Sowat angel ring, Prey Jewelry gold ring, vintage rings, A Peace Treaty ring, Pamela Love dome spike ring, Lo and Chlo spike friendship ring, YSL arty ring. Vintage green hand purse, Coach multi-colored shoulder bag, Dooney & Bourke red shoulder bag, Marc Jacobs blush velvet dress. Various assortment of Jeffrey Campbell , Frye , Marc by Marc Jacobs , Topshop, See by Chloe , Moschino Cheap & Chic, and Dr. Marten shoes. Hummi...

The Shire

Ventured to Calabasas on Friday to spend time with my best friend in her beautiful home in the hills. I received this Minkpink dress by special request for my birthday and have been wearing it ever since; I thought its bohemian feel was perfect to photograph in the magical greenery. The heavy silver pendant was a gift that I vividly remember wearing on my birthday at school in 9th grade, which was three days before I got asked out on my first ever pre -date date. By pre-date date I mean it was just a "hangout" to see if he likes you/you like each other. But I was in 9th grade, he was in 11th. It was valid. Although he seemed to single-handedly disprove my friend Lauren's theory that "no teenage boy wants to go on a pre-date date." Anyway, I mention all this for several reasons: This dress has a distinctly mythical/middle earth/medieval feel which is why... this morning I played Ridley Scott's Robin Hood soundtrack in the car on the way home from Calabasas, ...

Red Dragon

Wore this outfit for an incredibly lovely (belated) birthday dinner on Sunday with the family. The actual hat was a birthday gift from my aunt and I am in love with it. Now, I want to wear netting over my eyes all the time. This cotton paper-bag waist skirt was a Christmas gift that never saw the light of day until two weeks ago. I was up late (late = 1 am) and aggravated (aggravated = really annoyed) while studying for AP tests and decided to purge my closet, (I often get rid of stuff/cut my hair/make changes to my overall lifestyle when super emotional and late at night). I started tearing into my hanging clothes rack and then into my actual closet when I stumbled upon the one skirt that had just dumbfounded me for months. How do you wear so much white? What was with the waist? Prairie girl chic or not? So, I said to myself (at 1 am, mind you) "Self, either throw it out or wear it tomorrow. One or the other." I wore it the next day to school. It's now my favorite skir...

The Birthday Coat

As of yesterday, I'm seventeen. I thought that this wasn't going to be a big deal, but considering its me , it turned into one. I suddenly got very emotional and very nostalgic starting Saturday night at Prom (which was so much fun by the way.) My friends did a lovely job of easing me into the new year and I think I probably got 12 hours sleep in total, all weekend. On Sunday, I went to the flea market, took a nap and then had a family dinner at my favorite restaurant Playa . It's kinda odd having both Mothers Day and a birthday on the same day but it still was lovely, regardless. By the way, my birthday is the same as Lena Dunham 's. It's a sign... This leopard coat came from Possession Vintage at the Fairfax Flea market a couple weeks ago. It is that quintessential swing coat that should be in every girl's closet. I've wanted one for literally years but never could find the right fit or length or shape of the spots (there are different color and shapes, ...

Luck Be A Lady

Wearing this made me feel like a dancer in New York City on her day off. I definitely think I will have to repeat this outfit, and there's no shame in that. The colors represented here all work beautifully together. Also, I've declared that maxi dresses and skirts are my new path. They're all I want to wear for summer. Heck, my prom dress is even maxi in length. Wait... Prom? Going with my friend Anna. But that's not why I mention it, I mention it because it's already May. Basically this year is over. Then it will be summer. And then I will be a senior. What? American Apparel accordion skirt, Free People leopard crop tank, Urban Outfitters scarf, Moschino leather heels, vintage brass armor belt, Mr. Kate Kaila ring.