Cool Blue
I've promised and promised, (on a variety of different platforms), to discuss this whole college process in depth when it was the right time. Although I don't feel "ready," I do feel it's right and important to write this down now, even if-- and especially since-- I am in the emotional throes of it all.
This waiting process is killer. I thought I would be able to stay positive for the entire 4+ months of interim; but I'm only human, and some days are better than others. It's weird to think of all the time spent pouring over the work and writing those specific words and then you send it all off and you hear... nothing. For months. In a sense, you live with the schools for however many weeks or months you fill out their applications, and then they just up and leave you. You guys "take a break" of sorts. Occasionally you exchange a couple emails to keep up the friendship, but the romance is over. And then maybe, if the timing is right and you guys say the right things to each other, you get back together. And enjoy a blissful four years together. Later, when years have gone by, you'll reminisce on one of the most positive and growth-inducing relationships of your young adult life. College.
The variables involved and the different paths that could open up in the next few months are enough to drive me insane. I could be in Ohio or Connecticut or New York or stay in California. Thankfully, I remember this is just one chapter. And I'll try to maintain that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was a lot of purple language that doesn't make any sense, but I hope it'll provide at least a little solace or insight or yes-I'm-feeling-that-too! for someone. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask on my tumblr. This is simply one part in a writing series. I'm glad I get to share this with you guys!

Denim on denim is my favorite conceit in fashion. I picked up these beautifully cut boyfriend jeans this past week after thinking about them for several days. You know how one new addition to your wardrobe can suddenly inspire you to think of new outfits everyday? That's what these jeans have done for me. I love loose cut denim. Or just denim in general. It's addicting. I'd give anything to work on Nylon Magazine's denim edition. In fact, if I go to school in New York, I may just intern there.
Gap boyfriend jeans, American Apparel denim top, vintage jewelry, SEE eyewear blue frames, Zara heels.
This waiting process is killer. I thought I would be able to stay positive for the entire 4+ months of interim; but I'm only human, and some days are better than others. It's weird to think of all the time spent pouring over the work and writing those specific words and then you send it all off and you hear... nothing. For months. In a sense, you live with the schools for however many weeks or months you fill out their applications, and then they just up and leave you. You guys "take a break" of sorts. Occasionally you exchange a couple emails to keep up the friendship, but the romance is over. And then maybe, if the timing is right and you guys say the right things to each other, you get back together. And enjoy a blissful four years together. Later, when years have gone by, you'll reminisce on one of the most positive and growth-inducing relationships of your young adult life. College.
The variables involved and the different paths that could open up in the next few months are enough to drive me insane. I could be in Ohio or Connecticut or New York or stay in California. Thankfully, I remember this is just one chapter. And I'll try to maintain that everything happens for a reason. Maybe this was a lot of purple language that doesn't make any sense, but I hope it'll provide at least a little solace or insight or yes-I'm-feeling-that-too! for someone. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask on my tumblr. This is simply one part in a writing series. I'm glad I get to share this with you guys!
Denim on denim is my favorite conceit in fashion. I picked up these beautifully cut boyfriend jeans this past week after thinking about them for several days. You know how one new addition to your wardrobe can suddenly inspire you to think of new outfits everyday? That's what these jeans have done for me. I love loose cut denim. Or just denim in general. It's addicting. I'd give anything to work on Nylon Magazine's denim edition. In fact, if I go to school in New York, I may just intern there.
Gap boyfriend jeans, American Apparel denim top, vintage jewelry, SEE eyewear blue frames, Zara heels.
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