Last Couple Weeks

To say things have been hectic would be an understatement of vast proportions, but I would rather have everything to do and no time than nothing to do and all the time in the world. Here's a glimpse into what's been happening lately. 

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A couple weeks ago American Apparel emailed and let me know that they were featuring one of my photos in their stores. Yesterday I finally got to see one of them in action. As far as I know, this is on display in America and Canada? Is it in Europe too? Let me know! 
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Downtown Los Angeles.
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It's been rainy the past couple days and so I have had to wear lots of layers. My friend James bought this American Apparel striped sweater for me and I have to say it's my favorite knit now. Every time I put it on I've been told I look "collegiate." Considering my mindset right now, I'm taking it as a good sign. My glasses are from SEE Eyewear

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I've gone back to taking a lot of film photos lately. I love black and white film and am so thankful for Samy's camera on Fairfax. Without them I don't know where I'd be. The photos above feature Jonah and Anna. 
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I'd been wanting this watch for over two years and my mom finally bought it for me for christmas. My Timex x JCrew timepiece has officially been retired; I wear this thing every day. Thank you Michael Kors
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I think I mentioned I went to Oregon with Jonah over winter break. These were taken at Widen + Kennedy in Portland.

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I've gone back to reading a lot more screenplays lately. I'm glad I could get my hands on Ryan Gosling's How To Catch a Monster, which he is casting right now. The film is basically the manifestation of his album into a movie. I hope he does the music for it as well. 
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Favorite beauty products: Benefit's Bad Gal mascara and Tarte Lipsurgance in Hope.
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I feel like every relationship should have an obligatory couple photo shoot. My cousin shot these for us.

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Sometimes I find menswear preferable to women's. A boy in my AP Environmental Science class was wearing this the other day and I had to take a photo.

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My cousin took photos of my best friends and I. We look like such a 90s girl band its amazing. You know how the author of The Time Travelers Wife wrote her book based on that title? Or how Woody Allen drafted his entire script around the words Midnight in Paris? I feel like that would be the same case here; our band would be made based off these photos.
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Have a good week! I promise another post before the months out.


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