
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2013

Blue Ice

This two piece set by Carin Wester is definitely in my Top 5 Favorite Garments list, right next to my large black leather overalls and rich geometric 70s kimono; I'm amazed I haven't shown it on the blog before. I bought the set two years ago while driving down Ventura Boulevard in the Valley. I spotted it in the window of Urban Outfitters and knew immediately that it had YES written all over it. Thankfully, I got the last pair in my size, (had to strip the mannequin for it, yay tenacity). Carin Wester's line is synonymous with cool chic and ease, I love all her pieces. This set is the epitome of "throw-on-and-go," a concept I've been trying to master ever since starting this blog. Speaking of beginnings, I'm excited to see January is over. Two more months and I'll be able to share my college decisions with you guys. In order to spare you, I will try to avoid words like surreal , unimaginable and amazingly exciting,  but just know I'm experiencing...

Last Couple Weeks

To say things have been hectic would be an understatement of vast proportions, but I would rather have everything to do and no time than nothing to do and all the time in the world. Here's a glimpse into what's been happening lately.  A couple weeks ago American Apparel emailed and let me know that they were featuring one of my photos in their stores. Yesterday I finally got to see one of them in action. As far as I know, this is on display in America and Canada? Is it in Europe too? Let me know!  Downtown Los Angeles. It's been rainy the past couple days and so I have had to wear lots of layers. My friend James bought this American Apparel striped sweater for me and I have to say it's my favorite knit now. Every time I put it on I've been told I look "collegiate." Considering my mindset right now, I'm taking it as a good sign. My glasses are from SEE Eyewear .  I've gone back to taking a lot of film photos lately. I love black and white film and a...

New Beginnings

I apologize for such a long absence; I'm writing to you from the other side of college applications. Eventually I'll be able to put pen to paper and describe this whole experience of wishing and writing and worrying and waiting and then (hopefully) attending for you to read. Right now, however, I have a mountain of homework and a couple of monologues to rehearse for school. I found this outfit fitting because I associate January with white brights and possibility. I'm excited for this year. Everything is beginning.  Vintage floral shawl and silk slips, Zara heels, Michael Kors rose gold watch , sterling silver necklace.