College Interviews!


I know I have been doing a lot of talking about high school, SATs, college etc. etc. without a lot of real life anecdotes- as opposed to vague allusions- to back anything up. Part of that's on purpose. I like to keep my personal life somewhat mysterious, and especially everything surrounding university/life beyond 14, 15, 16, 17. There are already enough kids applying as it is. 
Anyway, a question I've seen a lot is what do you wear for a college interview? Having already been on 3 in the past two weeks, I now consider myself a seasoned veteran. I wore a variation of this outfit to all three interviews. By variation I mean: I bought two floral pants last spring, and I own two gray sleeveless blouses like this one here, and mixed them each time. The jewelry changed as well. Considering none of the schools I am applying to are fashion schools, I tried to tone down any sort of "ohmygod she's such a style blogger" feeling and just focus on keeping it classic, but updated. However, the thing I kept in mind was that these interviewers were seeing kids all the time, and I didn't just want to be one in the pack. That meant no denim, (this isn't casual friday, people) and no cute pretty dresses. I liked these pants (and another pair from Zara that I'll try to get on the blog) because they were fun but also mature... if that makes any sense. I also ruled out heels immediately because come on, that's just not practical. You want to trip and fall face first into your interviewer's lap? I didn't think so. 
OK, beyond clothes though? Just have fun you guys. Don't be nervous, at all. Nervous-ness doesn't help you, me, and least of all the interviewer. They're just trying to see who you are in person. And that shouldn't be terrifying. Good luck!
Anthropologie pants, vintage gray top, 1920s egyptian necklace, Pamela Love ring, Ray Ban glasses, Marc by Marc Jacobs leather bag, and Steve Madden flats. 


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