Hollywood Hills
I had loved the original Stella McCartney sneaker/wedges but could never justify or want to spend $500+ on a trend item. I think this is one of those age old blogger questions, do you wear knockoffs or do you not? Which one jeopardizes the integrity of what bloggers are trying to do: wearing knockoffs or wearing the real thing? Its about accessibility right? Or shock and awe? We have this platform, right, to voice what we think is right/wrong etc. so are we using it properly? In the end, I decided all this is just about wearing what I want to wear, what I like to wear, and putting it online and hoping people enjoy. For those of you who have been long time readers and for those of you just joining I just gotta take the time to say how much I've enjoyed having you guys around. It's been a real fun ride. Anyway, this all sounds too much like a goodbye note. I think I'm just getting sentimental because school has begun and I've had to face the fact that I am a senior, i.e. ...