Crystal Castles

A friend of mine starting producing these amazing crystal + bullet shell pendants and I finally picked up a couple for myself. A couple days ago I had this incredible (and violent) dream in which I was being pursued by a bunch of people who didn't speak my same language and I ended up saving the day by whipping out two bullets that were strung around my neck. I thought that by actually having some bullets (albeit in this case, harmless ones) on a chain could remind me stay powerful and in charge in real life? Something like that.

The guy has a plethora of different crystals and colors to choose from and you can read all about crystals healing powers here, (I'm a firm believer in them, just search "crystals" in the blog search bar for proof).

I was thinking about selling these beauties, but I need feedback from you guys. In order to adhere to the no comments policy of the blog, let me know if you would be interested in buying these by liking this post on bloglovin. And if you don't already follow me on bloglovin you can do so here.


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