
I was in a parking structure with my mom when I spotted this phenomenal vintage truck, that just happened to match the color of my Victorian blazer I was wearing. Several minutes later, we have these photos, which I think are some of my favorite on the blog.
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How amazing is:
1) this blazer from the Victorian era
2)this 1920s egyptian necklace I bought while antiquing in Oregon
3) this Pamela Love spike ring
4) this truck

Been dealing with some very weird stuff in my life where I've lost all interest in socializing. I don't care about who did what with whom, or where, or whatever. I've realized the absurdity, and I just want out. Been thinking about college non-stop, which is unfortunate, since I'm not even a senior yet. Anyone else understand this feeling?

vintage victorian blazer, vintage calvin klein shorts, 1920's glass egyptian necklace, Marc by Marc Jacobs heels, Pamela Love spike ring.


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