
عرض المشاركات من يناير, 2012


I really need to be studying but I thought I should post one of my favorite editorials of all time. So natural and so beautiful. Normally I don't even like nudity in editorials, (its about having clothes on , ladies and gentlemen), but for some reason this works. And the botanical print inserts? Love all of it. The photographer Richard Jensen is also fast becoming one of my favorites as well, his work is so valid. Have a lovely weekend! Photography by Richard Jensen


My first real foray into channeling Sherlock Holmes. I picked up these pants at the Goodwill and they're basically perfect. I'm slowly accumulating a pretty lovely collection of man inspired items, and I'm sorta thrilled. I've been wearing this cashmere cardigan as a shirt a lot lately. It's really laid back and easy to throw on, I feel like I want it in every color. Been obsessed with piling on the bracelets lately. I guess I learned it from my mom and aunt, who are both all about silver and really cool vintage pieces. So.... on Thursday I became licensed in the sate of California to drive a motor operated vehicle! It's kind of strange. At first I didn't feel it, and then at 11:30 that night it hit me like a train. A drivers license its the first step towards so many things. "Show me your I.D" isn't "Show me your really geeky school i.d. card" any more, its "Oh here's my license ." It's weird, it's like I n...


I was in a parking structure with my mom when I spotted this phenomenal vintage truck, that just happened to match the color of my Victorian blazer I was wearing. Several minutes later, we have these photos, which I think are some of my favorite on the blog. How amazing is: 1) this blazer from the Victorian era 2)this 1920s egyptian necklace I bought while antiquing in Oregon 3) this Pamela Love spike ring 4) this truck ? Been dealing with some very weird stuff in my life where I've lost all interest in socializing. I don't care about who did what with whom, or where, or whatever. I've realized the absurdity, and I just want out. Been thinking about college non-stop, which is unfortunate, since I'm not even a senior yet. Anyone else understand this feeling? vintage victorian blazer, vintage calvin klein shorts, 1920's glass egyptian necklace, Marc by Marc Jacobs heels, Pamela Love spike ring.


(at a party, Ziba Khatibi ring, christmas present Tiffany watch, favorite rings, pendleton coat, funny display window, pamela love ring, school outfit, favorite obsession at trader joes, preview post, jewelry, chanel nail polish) As part of the new year I mentioned that I would be changing the blog around, and so from this point on I will be disabling comments. I appreciate every single one of you so much, so if you still want to drop me a line or leave me a message you can email me (thestylishwandererblog@gmail.com), twitter me (@StylishWanderer) or instagram me (@thestylishwanderer) and of course follow me on bloglovin (The Stylish Wanderer). I am not on tumblr or facebook any more. The above photos are from my instagram account, and if you're not on it, get on it, its a fun place to be. As if everyone didn't share too much already, it's more of a look into my daily life, although mostly I just post photos of jewelry. Well, happy new year! I'm so happy its a three d...

New Years Resolutions

In December of 2009 I saw the first Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. Shortly after, the New Year happened and I vowed to start dressing in men's clothing as a resolution. Unfortunately, I didn't really stick to what I wanted to do, and continued to dress haphazardly, (as always). Well, two years later, I have seen Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows twice now, and have decided to stick to that resolution once more. I have fallen head over heels in love with that whole old charming-1800s-dapper-suave-pocket - watch-in-hand look all over again. I love the idea of a woman in man's clothing, nothing can be more chic or relaxed. I found this editorial that basically encompasses everything I'm talking about, but just in case you need TEXT here's a list of what I'm thinking of: Tweeds, Blazers, Button-up shirts, Linen, Over-sized trousers, Brogues, Watches with leather bands , Black socks, Tortoise shell glasses, Ties, Pinstr...

Black Florals and Mirrored Heels

Give me pastel florals on a black background and Im on board any day. This tie/wrap/dress item is amazing, it's one of my favorite clothing pieces right now, especially when paired with my trusty mirrored gold buckle heels from Zara. I love these shoes, their perfect for pairing with long dresses to lighten the mood. I heard Topshop had a version of their own a couple months back. I'm looking to stock up on another pair, does anyone know of where I could get them? I will be changing the blog around sometime in the next couple of weeks since its a New Year. Stay tuned. Meanwhile, Happy New Year! My gosh... its 2012. Melrose Space-1o black floral wrap dress , Zara heels, American Apparel u-neck top, thrifted denim shorts, Coach leather handbag.