
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, 2010


Lately I've been going to bed at very late hours, mostly because I've been on the iPad watching classics on instant Netflix. However, a couple nights ago I watched In & Out with Kevin Kline, a comedy from the 90s about an English teacher who, three days before his wedding and unbeknownst to him, is outed as being gay on national television by one of his ex-students who has just won an Academy Award. Hilarity ensues as he tries to convince his bride, the town, and the onslaught of media reporters that he is not in fact, gay, and it was just a big misunderstanding. One of my favorite scenes in the film is where he puts in a cassette in his stereo that is going to teach him how to be "manly." The tape at one point says "Are you wearing sufficiently manly clothes?" and Kevin looks down at his purple plaid and black jeans and nods yes, and tape goes "Good. Untuck your shirt." Kevin starts to untuck his shirt when the tape says "Only ONE side....

Rain Boat

Outfit from a few days ago. Saw Ashley Olsen on Sunday at this italian restaurant called La Buca, she was with her Justin Bartha. She wore the infamous Balenciaga thigh highs, (in addition too a fur trimmed trench with silk boyfriend shorts and an oatmeal colored sweater), which made me realize that I haven't worn my knock-off Sam Edlemens in a long time. Will wear tomorrow. Also, can not get enough of this floral silver ring sent over to me from the creative woman at Ziba Khatibi Raw Jewelery. I recently watched Lord of the Rings and thought it would've fit in perfectly with all the elven silver circlets, pendants and crowns that everyone wore. Antrhopologie x Ruffian winter coat from last season, vintage silk shirt, vintage knit skirt, Dolce Vita leather riding boots, Ziba Khatibi floral ring , Urban Outfitters gray thigh high socks.

Merry Christmas

I can not believe we are back here already. Happy holidays. American Apparel tights, Ecote poncho, American Apparel black u-neck dress, Kimchi and Blue perforated suede heels, Verameat copper doe and lamb rings.


Ive worn this coat three days in a row now, despite having a bunch of winter jackets that need air time. The shape is perfect, just enough boyish inspiration, and the color is a wonderful army green... it also doesnt hurt that I bought it on sale. The dress is also wonderful, I love the structure of it. The fabric is really heavy which makes it ideal for wintertime. I saw Tron... twice. I thought visually it was absolutely stunning. I left the theater with a thirst for blue neon and a neoprene body suit, despite their being completely the opposite of what I actually like to wear. I really recommend seeing it, especially since Garrett Hedlund's voice is like listening to a deep rumbling waterfall. Richard Chai Love Army coat, Nordstrom leather gloves, American Apparel socks, Zara dress, vintage necklace, Essie purple nail polish, mac lipstick in chili.

Sun/Winter/Rebecca Hall

When I was 10 years old I was fascinated with the idea of changing my name. Or more specifically, changing my name to Rebecca , or Becca for short. While the idea of actually changing my name never came to fruition, I still kept the name Rebecca close to my heart. Now, Im not saying the reason why I love Rebecca Hall so much is because her name is, in fact, Rebecca, but it definitely didnt hurt. Rebecca Hall is incredible to look at, and even more wonderful on the screen. I know this editorial is old news, I mean its from August, and we're basically to 2011 already (side bar- how scary is that? 2010 almost over?! what are you crazy?). Anyways, I was going through some old magazines and found this spread. And since I had been meaning to mention sometime on this blog that The Town was a stunning movie, and that Ben Affleck did such an amazing job, I thought why not have some visuals to go along with it? I also felt like the clothes in these photos were directly related to the current...

Winter Fresh

This is probably my favorite sweatshirt. I know I say everything is my favorite, but really, this is my favorite. Ive been purchasing cheesy sweaters like this a lot lately, (they are easy to find at thrift stores, by the way), they are so much fun. I wore this one to school last week and no joke, I had at least ten boys come up to me and compliment it. The men love this sweatshirt. The clutch Im carrying is the perfect size, shape and type of leather. This is the second one I bought, the first one being black. I also bought it in a small pouch version to carry around my student ID, and credit card, and loose change etc. I love this clutch so much, my mom and I fight over it... Not really. Kinda. By the way, in spirit of the merry season, The Stylish Wanderer x Mr. Kate ring Le Cadeau is on sale, 20% off! Le Cadeau makes the perfect gift for the holiday season, especially since Le Cadeau is French for The Gift. Check it here . Vintage winter themed sweatshirt , American Apparel knit...