
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2013


Bloglovin ' recently emailed me to notify you guys that Google Reader is shutting down on the first of July. If any of you follow blogs via Google Reader, you'll completely lose your blog list and any notifications you might receive. If you still want to keep your reading list I recommend this guide on how to change from Google Reader to Bloglovin'. And remember to follow The Stylish Wanderer on bloglovin' if you don't already!  So this post isn't totally dry I wanted to show these compelling images from Elle's July 2013 editorial featuring Kate Mara (who is fantastic on House of Cards by the way, if you haven't seen her already). I love all the unorthodox props and set decorations, but also all the clothes are really luxurious and chic. I especially love the ridiculous patchwork jacket and oversized tooth necklace throughout. xoxo


This adorable baby doll dress is unlike anything else in my closet. I'm not one for such large stripes and blatant colors but there's something about the viscose fabric and the way the material hangs across the body-- it's lovely. Also, these heels? A friend of a friend was emptying her closet and luckily these Dior cut-out oxfords soon became mine for a crazy good discount (along with a couple other pairs you'll definitely see soon). The details on them are incredible. By the way, how pretty is this courtyard my mom and I found in mid Hollywood? I love locations like this. Even though I've been working quite a lot lately, I've found some time to get outside and be with friends, spend time with Jonah and pursue hot yoga. While I am excited for college, I really want to embrace these next couple months and take advantage of all the rest/relaxation I can. Motel striped "Penny" baby doll dress , Dries Van Noten leather bag, silver ring, Dior lace-up heel...


USC's Orientation was a very busy two days. It was great to meet a couple of my future peers both in and out of the film school and get a feel for the campus/what it will be like staying in a dorm. Plus I got my schedule for first semester-- my first class is at 10 am. In other words,  I won't have to wake up at 6:45 any more! I am beyond thrilled. Here are some photos from the event: I bought this vintage blouse from a friend at school. It crazy 70s and therefore perfect. Jumping for (what else) joy outside the School of Cinematic Arts. My official home! The Gwynn Wilson Student Union building is probably one of the most beautiful structures on campus. Architecture like this makes me crazy. Many people don't equate that Ivy League/East Coast collegiate campus look with a school on the West Coast, but I beg to differ with a building like this one. Still so happy to know I'll be seeing Palm Trees on campus for the next four years. I wore these American Apparel JuJu jell...


I have signed on to be an intern/creative assistant at American Apparel's headquarters this summer! For the past couple months I had been interviewing and putting out feelers for internship opportunities around the city without anything interesting materializing. I wanted to make use of this transitional summer before college-- although a couple months spent solely by the beach sounded tempting, I really felt my time would best be spent by getting some professional work experience. When Taghrid said the job was mine if I wanted it, I jumped at the opportunity. I am thrilled to have   a behind the scenes look at one of the biggest global fashion companies while simultaneously offering a helping hand at one of my favorite brands. So far, my job is to organize the expansive AA closet, style shoots, and assist the photographers with whatever they need. I've been on my toes for three days! 1. The official announcement on AA's instagram 2. A picture I snapped from my first day o...


I thought I'd share some close-ups of the jeweled cuffs my mother made in the 80s that I mentioned previously . Aren't they so intricate and stunning? They have become a permanent art fixture in our house ever since my mom fished them out of the garage and placed them on this silver tray in our living room. If anything, they provide endless arm candy inspiration.

Silver Lining

 I scrambled until the very last minute and bought this dress at 9 pm the night before graduation. I couldn't have been more happy with the choice; the lace detailing is exquisite.  After graduation I had dinner with friends and family and the evening was lovely. These last couple of weeks have ended up being the perfect way to close the book on high school. Signing up for orientation, finding a room mate, being assigned a dorm. It's all happening and it's amazing. My mother used to hand make these astounding rhinestone cuffs in the 1980s-- her pieces were even featured in an issue of W Magazine . We have a silver tray filled with them currently in our living room, and I felt like diving in and putting one on for this outfit. The art deco pinky ring I'm wearing is currently my favorite piece of jewelry. It's from the early 1900s and I've had it since I was seven years old (it used to fit my ring finger). I'll definitely put up a detail shot of it later in th...


It still hasn't hit me yet.