
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2012


Meet Jonah.

Memorial Cup

Honestly? Leather jacket, vintage 80s tee, high waisted dark wash denim, and leopard boots. What more could you ask for? This outfit should become my uniform, it's just easy. Right now, I'm all about easy. I have three applications I'm submitting this week. Wish me luck. Can't believe I'm this old. Glad I can vent about it on this blog. So thankful for you guys. Hope your holidays are good! Vintage tee, Luella x Target leather jacket, American Apparel Easy Jean, Dr. Martens boots.


Couple things I'm into right now: black basics, crop tops, layering necklaces, and shoulders. This wool skirt was a gift from my mom a couple months back. It's such a legitimate vintage piece, so 70s. I love the length, construction and silhouette. It's perfect for Los Angeles' current weather, which has been sunny and cold at the same time, and basically been messing up my wardrobe choices everyday. Things could be worse.  The buttons are so beautiful on this thing! My friend Yaari gave this Oregon necklace to me two years ago. It's so simple and lovely, I wear it all the time now. It's interesting how go through wearing certain pieces in waves, i.e. you won't look at it for months and then suddenly you can't get enough of it. I kind of want the California necklace now, just to complete the picture of who I am. As you write college essays you tend to go through intense personal scrutiny. The schools ask you to get to the basis of who you are fundamental...

Favorite Albums

Music is such an integral portion of my life, I feel it's a crime not to address it here on the blog at least once a year. I receive a lot of questions asking for recommendations, so I decided to list my top four favorite albums, and then a couple up-and-comers (although that doesn't necessarily mean they were released this year or even this decade). Enjoy. Kanye's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy has literally been my go-to favorite since tenth grade. I think it's part of the reason my ex and I broke up. Sometimes you have to separate a person's politics with their work, and this is one of those cases. Honestly? This album is a masterpiece. I first heart In Rainbows in 8th grade, and the album has been with me since. I've played it on loops throughout different stages in my life- when I interned at Chip and Pepper, when I moved back to Los Angeles the summer before freshman year, when I first started to learn how to drive etc. etc. Every track remains just a...