
عرض المشاركات من يونيو, 2012

July Wishlist

I've always associated the month of July with pretty whites, nice blues and dark denims. These are just a couple of items that seem particularly fitting as we round the bend into another month (what happened to the year?!). I also felt like delivering some different content instead of just me all the time, ya know? Help me, help you . 1. Current/Elliott "The Boyfriend" jeans 2. Marc by Marc Jacobs Classic Q Long tri-fold wallet 3. Jimmy Taverniti Grand Father jeans 4. Wildfox Starshine Road Trip sweatshirt 5. Marc by Marc Jacobs Classic Q pixie bucket bag 6. Tom Binns Classic Cigar ring 7. Dolce Vita Nalla Specchio loafers 8. Michael Kors Sport Watch 9. Madewell Striped Weekend dress 10. Pour La Victoire Rissa loafers Also, the main image is from The Sartorialist and may be my favorite outfit of anyone, ever. And of course, how could I not include Lana Del Ray in a race car jacket . We should all just give up now.


I first saw a Brook&Lyn piece on the website Of A Kind last Spring, then again on Claire L. Evans (lead singer of Y∆CHT) at Coachella the following April, and then in Anthropologie that summer, where I picked up this piece. I had been a fan of designer Mimi Jung's Surrounded collection for some time, and when I got that first piece I was ecstatic. Things got even better when Mimi emailed and offered to send over this body piece. I took these photos a few weeks ago, and since then I've had ample time to test its durability/wearability. Ladies and Gentleman, the verdict is in... my approval ratings are off the chart; you can literally throw this beauty on with anything. I have several things I want to talk about in terms of this piece and the overall collection itself. 1) The collection is pure magic, with a modern twist. The agate stones used in each piece are stunning by themselves, and the rope used to hold them in place is the perfect compliment. 2) Yes, body pieces ar...

Pastel Playground

When Jaclyn over at Audrey Grace Boutique offered to send me this Lauren Moffatt dress I almost wanted to cry. I feel like its the type of garment where it can only be referred to as "frock" and I am totally OK with that. Its astounding; feminine, beautiful, vintage, modern, all wrapped into one. It makes me want to curate my entire wardrobe around it, i.e. playful pretty dresses all the time. Which is funny, considering just a couple months ago all I wanted to do was dress in dapper menswear. When my mom saw it walk through the door, she too couldn't believe her eyes either. The collar is also removeable, which is a plus. Sometimes sequins can be too much. Also, Jaclyn alerted me to the fact that her actual online store is officially open TODAY, so go and shop Lauren Moffatt + more over here . Lauren Moffatt dress and OPI nail polish.

Hollywood Blvd.

One of my favorite prints lately has been the Hawaiian print, in all shapes and colors. I have the it in dresses and shirts and I've been eyeing a pants in the pattern as well. This particular dress has been my mothers for about ten years or so, and I love it. The pastel heels I picked up recently at a very destructive shopping trip to The Grove that included purchasing two pairs of floral trousers (which are also another obsession, I'm craving everything on Shopbop here ). Summer starts next week. I've been caught in the rough emotional undertow of endings. High school is almost over, and while that means exciting developments in terms of my career and future, it also means saying goodbye to many people who have come to mean a great deal to me over the past several years. I can't believe I will be a senior and I can't believe my friends are graduating and I can't believe everything that is ahead. I should be afraid... but I'm not. I'm ecstatic. Vintage ...

Aurora Borealis

When this sequined black number arrived I kind of didn't know what to do with it; it just didn't necessarily feel like me , even though I had picked it out. However, all doubts were completely dispelled when I remembered this purse I had bought at a Coach party/dinner I went to last year. Since the bag has the same colors as the dress, the two matched perfectly, as if they were made for each other. Then, when I finally put the dress on to go out, I couldn't believe how beautiful I felt in in it. There's something about the black jersey and the mesh (a combination I had formerly attributed to bad 80s revivals) that made it super fun but also kinda sophisticated too. Right then I decided to wear both the dress and purse to every party henceforth, until I realized I had gone a little too overboard. Regardless, I think this thing is special beyond words. Also, Fairground's PR company let me know that if you want a chance to win a number like this one just ...