
عرض المشاركات من أكتوبر, 2011

Ashish Spring 2012

Somehow stumbled upon this incredible collection from Ashish for next spring. They're like every teenager's dream, these pieces. While the collection may have lacked the word "sophistication" it sure makes up for it in pure fun, and not to mention beautiful craftsmanship and detailing. The styling here was done incredibly well, although I wouldn't wear all of the pieces together like they show here. I imagine wearing a bunch of these paired with basics like black dresses or trousers. However, that isn't to say there weren't some faults. I hated the hats and the dark lipstick, not to mention the actually messy hair that looked like the models hadn't brushed in weeks, and there are definitely some bad 90s throwbacks in here, but it doesn't really matter. The real flowers in the 90s grunge boots and the sequins and fun play with sunflowers more than made up for the bad final touches. And then again, maybe some of the bad 90s is what makes this collect...

Uptown Girl

Been swamped with work lately. And I don't even use the expression "swamped." This sweater is soooo beautiful. Marc knows how to construct outerwear alright. The tee is my new favorite basic sent over by the people at Stylemint. Thanks so much! A couple of months ago something clicked inside me and suddenly I was looking at architecture and interior decorating, in addition to clothes and style. Ever since then I've fallen in love with this building in downtown LA, called the John Ferrero Building which houses LA's department of Water and Power. I love the modern design and the beautiful water pool on the top of the parking garage. In addition to my love, it's also gotten some attention from the director Christopher Nolan in a little film called Inception. Maybe you've heard of it? He shot a lot in downtown LA, (and is actually filming the Dark Knight Rises there right now), and it's nice to see my favorite building get some screen time..... Why am I mo...

White Room

I completely didn't realize its almost been two weeks since my last post. I promise to make up for it. I've just been dealing with the play at school + 3 APs yada yada yada you don't need to know. Took these photos in Oregon when I was there in September. This dress is one of my favorites, its vintage 70s from the flea market. In love. I can basically just throw it on and go, which I think is something everyone strives for in a dress. Vintage 70s dress, Sam Edlman mauve suede boots


I remember last February I just started listening to Kanye West's My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Monster was like my main theme. This vintage sweater is kind of like an ode to that song. I say its a monster, but every time I wear it to a party I get varying ideas of what it might be. A pig? a hippopotamus? Who knows. Its a monster to me. Shot these in downtown LA where it seems that on every corner someone is shooting a film or show. Vintage woven monster sweater, American Apparel green shorts, Marc by Marc Jacobs platforms, Lark and Wolf satin baseball jacket, My Little Fisheye spike friendship bracelets , Verameat cat ring.