
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, 2011

Floral Crowns: Part 3- The Blackberry Fairy

Took these photos with blackberry plants behind me. Oregon is so beautiful, I definitely recommend visiting there at least once in your life. How are you liking the Floral Series so far? I'm enjoying it since it gave me a chance to frolic in the fields and act like a fairy in the woods and live out my lifelong dream. Truthfully, if given the choice of having any career in the entire world, I would choose something like "Rose Fairy" or "Blue Sprite" or "Spring Pixie." Although of all three, I would definitely choose the fairy. H&M sweatshirt, Urban Outfitters floral shorts, handmade floral crown Stay tuned for Part 4 and my favorite of the series...

The Mary Jo's in Beverly Hills

The other day I went to Barney's with my mom and had a fantastic time going through all the clothes, especially since almost everything is on mega-sale. Whenever I buy something from Barney's I always end up wearing it way more than anything else in my wardrobe. I think this is especially going to be true for these Chloe Sevigny x Opening Ceremony boots. I am in love. Their item name is called Mary Jo. So everyone, meet the Mary Jo's. Shakuhachi safari dress, vintage black shorts, Casbah Cafe leather backpack, Chloe Sevigny x Opening Ceremony leather boots.

Floral Crowns: Part 2 - The Rose Fairy

Here's the first floral crown I made. All the photos in this series were taken in Oregon, which is very beautiful and green. I went with the theme of all the greenery and dressed up in lace for a fairyland feel. Truthfully, all I'd really ever wanted to be in my life is a fairy... but that isn't an especially realistic career choice. Urban Outfitters lace dress, handmade rose floral crown I also shot these two film photos on my Canon A-1: Stay tuned for Part 3...

Coach Classics Saddle Bag

A couple months ago I was invited by Vanessa at Coach to attend a cocktail party and then dinner in Hollywood with all the local California blogger girls. Of course I said yes! It was such a magical night, I had such a great time with the girls from Coach as well as Karla , Raych , Valerie , and Jazzi , to name a few. I also brought home this beautiful saddle bag! The bag is from a collection called Coach Classics that was made in collaboration with Net-A-Porter.com. The line includes a whole bunch of silhouettes resurrected from the 1970s. This brown leather saddle bag is a dream come true. It's basic and goes with everything, and large enough to fit my iPad (a determining factor for all bags now.) You can shop the collection here . Here are just a couple of examples of it's versatility: Zara leopard dress, Coach "Stewardess" bag, MAC lipstick in Chili The absolute best party dress! Zara is a dream for producing beautiful dresses to throw on and walk out the door. A...

Floral Crowns: Part 1 - An Introduction

When I was in Oregon I went to a craft store there and bought a huge bunch of fake flowers and floral garlands. I spent one late June afternoon and made a whole bunch of floral crowns in different colors. I documented the outfits in both digital and 35 mm film to spice things up a bit. First, here is the crime scene... (photos taken on a Canon A-1 with 35mm film) Stay tuned for Part 2...

Macaron Striptease

My dad brought me these macaron's from my favorite restaurant called Bottega Louie in downtown. The food is incredible there and the deserts are so good. Just returned from seeing Midnight in Paris with my dad and step-mom. It really was fantastic. The casting was so good, there were so many actors there that I recognized and was glad to see again. Its movies like that that do a lot of things to a person. At first when I got home I wanted to write all about it. Now I am a little bit more tired since its only been 4 days since the surgery. All I can say is I loved all the costumes. Allison Pill is stunning, I loved the man who played Hemingway and I'd like to marry Tom Hiddleston. Seeing all the different portrayals of some of the world's greatest artists, writers, thinkers on screen was so wonderful. I am trying not to get too sappy here and using all the adjectives and descriptives that I can. Sometimes I get mad that I dont have such a set in stone style like Marion Coti...

Summer Inspiration: Floral Crowns

I am currently obsessed with floral crowns/headdresses for summer. I was in Oregon for a couple days and made about six of them, three I kept for myself. I took a bunch of photos with them on and I'll be rolling them out for the next couple of weeks as part of a series. For now, enjoy this floral crown inspiration board.