Good Night and Good Luck
I call this dress my goodluck dress, not because I ace tests or win the lotto in it, but because I have the absolute most fun in it. Last month I went to a party in it and not only did I receive a compliment from basically every other girl in the vicinity, but also that was probably the best party I have ever been to. Last Thursday I put it on and headed out to Malibu with my mother to hang out with Chip and Pepper Foster of Chip & Pepper and also Pray For Mother Nature denim. Amongst other fun things (like free denim, yay!) the highlight was climbing the roof of their house and just chillin, you know, lookin at Catalina and the beautiful Pacific Ocean. (Thankfully I have photos of that crazy roof climbin' experience) Coincidentally, both the dress and the bracelets I am wearing are from my aunt. She found the dress at a thirftstore a month ago and showed it to me. At first, I was hesitant, and my mother just plain hated it, but after trying it on, I decided to go home with it....