
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2011


Lately Ive been saying Sup? as just a greeting. Its a lot of fun to say, the sound it makes is really clear and it pops, like bubbles in champagne... or apple cider or whatever. Sup, sup, sup. Im having way too much fun with the word. Its hilarious. Ive collected these photos over the past couple of months... do you see a pattern? The pattern-less bright maxi skirt with a small white tee seems so refreshing to me right now, a look made famous by Jil Sanders Spring 2011 collection. These photos make me happy, especially right now as Im dealing with being let down by different friends of mine. You know, its just the type of social upset that is expected to be the norm in highschool. But really, right now Im hurting and it isn't any fun. But in happier news, my boyfriend gave me a strand of beautiful blue pearls for Valentines Day, and Im still in shock over it. I was thisclose to naming the post Why The Longgg Face? But I thought that would have been a little too much, for various r...

That 70s Show

Currently: Wearing over the knee socks like its going out of style, enjoying colorful mini dresses, shopping around for wide leg jeans, digging Saint Christopher medallion bracelets and waiting for my three day weekend so I can see my boyfriend, buy Chanel Chance eau Tendre, bask in the glow of rest, and maybe catch up on writing/piano/homework/drawing/the ukulele. TGIF. I bought this crazy 70s polyester dress several months ago... either in December or last summer, Ive forgotten exactly when, however the point is, I bought it, (for a beautiful price of something like $20) and never wore it, until now. The zipper on the back is a little weird and sometimes comes undone, but the dress itself is fantastic and I can not get enough. Oh and I also did an interview over at Urban Outfitters, check it out here . Vintage 70s baby-doll dress, American Apparel purple thigh high socks, Jeffrey Campbell wooden clogs and American Apparel multi-colored nail polish.

Be My Valentine?

A lot of my friends at school were bitter about Valentine's Day today. I know that its commercial and it was created by the Halmark people or whatever, but really? I've never been bitter about the holiday, single or not; I just never saw the point in being negative. Its like being mad at President's day because the majority of us are not the president. As far as I am concerned, Valentine's day is just an excuse to wear pink or red or white or purple or all of the above! I am actually in awe that I own this dress. I remember seeing it in Teen Vogue years ago- in their annual prom issue- and I'd always remembered it. Truly its stunning. Phillip Lim always makes the prettiest little dresses. I wish I could meet him, or at least talk to him. I'd love to know how he thinks up these beauties. 3.1 Phillip Lim zipper dress, Mr. Kate starburst earrings , American Apparel nail polish, MAC lipstick in Chili.


I was in the wackiest mood when I took these photos. Seriously, I am wacky already, but this moment in time takes the cake. My mother at one point goes "What the hell?" and starts laughing really hard because of a " pose" dance move I made. I have been wearing a lot of pants on the blog lately, this will change come spring, but I just had to show you these Pray for Mother Nature trouser jeans. I love the fit, they sort of remind me of sweatpants. Pray For Mother Nature's product is always spot on, the quality, fit, detailing. Its craftsmanship like this that makes me believe if I ever went into fashion, Id work at a denim company. I am crazy for jeans. Vintage creamsicle shirt from Ramona Wes t, Pray for Mother Nature denim trousers , vintage belt, and vintage boots. Had to get a photo with my aunt's metal flowers. My uncle and aunt are moving out of their house of thirty odd years. I grew up there. No one wants this to happen, but thats just how it goes.